will you mourn me when im gone

Will you mourn me when I'm gone?
Will you hurt deep and cry a lot?
Will you lose appetite and cry In thought
Of the times we spent making plans for us?

Will you stare at the stars and make a wish
That it all be nothing but a dream
Me being gone and you being hurt
Will you wish for us to be together in our hut

Will you wander around at night
Weary and tired for lack of sleep
Will you close your eyes and hold out your hand
In wait of mine sneaking up your arm
Will you mourn me when I'm gone

If a shooting passes above your roof
Will you remember the fault in our stars
And pray that the star takes me a message
Of the true way your heart bleeds
Will you tell it tales long kept
Secret. The things we did
The havoc we wrought
Will you, if nobody else, mourn me when I'm gone.


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