
Showing posts from August, 2015

for fear of being judged for judging!

Does earth have a filter? Or a system of choosing Doesit think before a litter Or just sanctions every beginning Does it prejudge anyone Or dispose any for perjury Do the stakes rise even higher Farther into the nothing clouds? Is there a spec0ial place for thieves of bread In the supposed furnace of hell? Is therea VIP place For the decendants of cain? Is there a defence fit for judas Or will he be hung again Do i have to let this thoughts go For fear of being judged for judging?

For Anthonia Okoro

It draws nigh my eyes again The first tears. The very first As I watch the falcon move, gingerly As I watched it's courage, despite the tree branch caught in one wing She held it together She held it tight From her, I got courage after my first failure She hopped when she could She hoped all The time A bird like her would on many times Move me to pity, but not this one She inspired in me respect And a dedication to achieve all that I can When one day, I summoned courage and asked her name After many times of failed need to know I gave the highway a big kiss It wasn't Good-bye Anthonia It was a Hello that will stay It was a silent acknowledgement of your rareness And as today marks another day A remembrance of the day falcon chirped I salute your creator And for the first time... I associate publicly With the greatness that is in you The greatness that is you. Happy birthday. Anthonia